My Account
How can I create and access my Account on Reservatio?
To access your account you will need to click on LOG IN on the Reservatio web page.
A window will open in which you will need to enter your e-mail and password.
If you are not registered, click on Register
Registering is simple, easy and intuitive.
You will simply have to complete the registration form, in which you will be asked for a few simple information.
What are you waiting for? Register now!
How can I change my account information?
Do you want to change your user profile data?
You can easily update your information in the "View Profile" window. Remember to click on "Save" to make the updates effective!
Update your profile information now! Go to View Profile
I forgot the password. How can I reset it?
Click on the Login button and click on Forgot Password?
Follow the instructions and you will receive an email with a password generated automatically by the system.
Log into your account with the temporary password and change it as soon as you log in.
Note: It is possible that the e-mail with the temporary password arrives in the Junk Mail folder. We recommend that you add the Reservatio email to your contacts.
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